Islington Liberal Democrats choose Terry Stacy as their candidate for Islington South and Finsbury

Islington Liberal Democrats have announced that Terry Stacy MBE, has been selected as their General
Election candidate for Islington South and Finsbury.
At the last General Election Labour retained the seat with the Liberal Democrats in second place. The
Liberal Democrats were the only one of the top three parties to grow their vote compared to the
previous General Election.
Announcing his candidature, Terry said:
“I am honoured to be chosen as candidate for Islington South and Finsbury. Our vibrant borough offers
so much but suffers from deep inequality in housing, a higher crime rate than many other London
boroughs and a decaying physical environment.
"As a social housing tenant myself I am particularly focused on improving social housing and the lives of
tenants and renters in both the social and private sectors.
"We have been let down by a complacent Labour Mayor, Council and MP. Having a single party in power
in Islington at all levels below national government leaves little room for fresh thinking.
"At a national level everything the Conservative Government touches gets worse. Despite having nothing
to offer they refuse to call a general election and are hanging on in the hope that something will turn up
for them. I will campaign for Islington residents to get a better deal whether from the economy, from
our NHS and schools and in improving our relations with Europe and the wider world.”
Terry has lived in Islington for over 25 years. He is a born and bred Londoner, growing up in care, in a
children’s home and was then fostered in his teens. His foster mother happened to be a Liberal
Democrat Councillor who instilled the importance of community work in him. Although he left school
without any qualifications, aged 19, he became a tenant representative on his East End estate, and
played a major role in its regeneration. It opened the door to a number of housing and regeneration
roles, including programme director to the regeneration programme that laid the foundation for the
London Olympics. He was awarded an MBE in 2012 for his housing and regeneration work. A Councillor
for 16 years, he was Leader of Islington Council when Islington built its first new council housing for 25
Commenting on Terry’s selection, Islington party Chair Kate Pothalingam said: “I am very pleased that
Terry is standing for the Liberal Democrats in Islington South and Finsbury. Having served Islington as a
Councillor and Council Leader he knows the great opportunities and challenges faced by the people of
Islington. We have been let down by the Conservatives and Labour nationally and locally and it is time
for change.”