Islington Liberal Democrats Select Rebecca Jones as their London North East constituency candidate for the London Assembly

Islington Liberal Democrats have announced that Rebecca Jones has been selected as their London North East constituency candidate in the elections for the London Assembly which will take place on 2nd May.
Rebecca is a student at London Metropolitan University on the Holloway Road where she has been studying for the past 3 years. For part of that time, she lived in Islington giving her a good feel for local issues.
Rebecca says “Islington is a place that’s truly special, its diversity has made me feel welcome. London has a huge amount of young and LGBTQ+ people and I think it’s crucial we have candidates like me, representing different ages and backgrounds on the GLA.”
“I am proud to represent the Liberal Democrats because they have proved themselves to be on the right side of history on so many issues that matter to me, like LGBT rights and fighting for working people.
“London should be a city where if you work late you can still get home. Sometimes my job finishes past midnight and the lack of buses and tubes at that time can make me feel unsafe as I travel home. The Mayor needs to take action to tackle violence against women and girls. If elected, I will campaign
passionately on both these issues.
Commenting on Rebecca’s selection, Islington party Chair Kate Pothalingam said: “I am very pleased that Rebecca is standing for the Liberal Democrats in the London Assembly elections. Her experience living, working and studying in North London means that she will be a powerful advocate for young people in this area and a strong voice holding the Mayor to account on transport, crime and the environment.”
Promoted by A. Angus on behalf of Rebecca Jones (Liberal Democrats) all at 1 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PN